Annual Reports for the year

Annual Reports of the Company

Nuvama Annual Report FY 23-24
Nuvama Annual Report FY 22-23

Financial Statements of Subsidiaries

Name Reports
NFSI Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NIAHKPL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NFSUKL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NIAPL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NIALLC Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
PTPL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NWIL Annual Report FY 22-23
NWIL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NWFL Annual Report FY 22-23
NWFL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NAML Annual Report FY 22-23
NAML Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NCSL Annual Report FY 22-23
NCSL Financial Statements FY 23-24
Name Reports
NCSIL Annual Report FY 22-23
NCSIL Financial Statements FY 23-24

CSR and ESG disclosures

For queries on the financials & investor related information of the Company Email us at