Debt Capital Markets

Debt Capital Markets

Among the leading providers of solutions in the Debt Capital Markets, we offer a wide range of services, backed by research and in-depth market understanding.

Our Capital Markets business performs the role of a catalyst, offering a platform connecting issuers with investors across the country. We back our leadership position in the industry by extending our role as an active Lead Manager / Arranger.

We have presence in issues across the capital structure: Vanilla bonds, Structured debt, Perps, Bank Capital bonds, etc.

We provide end-to-end solutions to both regular and first-time issuers for raising short-term and long-term funds.

We have a strong distribution network on the street, especially with Long Only investors such as PFs, Insurance and new money such as Private Wealth and Corporate Treasuries.

Nuvama Capital Markets closed 63 transactions (private placements and public issues combined) in FY23 versus 31 in FY22.

Debt Capital Markets
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(*Pursuant to order passed by Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench dated April 27, 2023, the merchant banking business of Edelweiss Financial Services Limited (“Edelweiss”) has demerged and now transferred to Nuvama Wealth Management Limited (“Nuvama”) and therefore the said merchant banking business is part of Nuvama Group.)

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