Fixed Income Markets
Among the leading providers of debt products and services in the Indian Fixed Income Markets, we offer a wide range of services, backed by research and in-depth market understanding. Our continuous engagement with clients helps us gain deeper insights into their needs, in turn helping us meet their financial and strategic objectives with discretion, excellence and trust. Set up in 2008, we are a leading player in the Indian debt market with a leadership position.
Our offerings include
Secondary Market Intermediation to Institutional players including Banks, Financial Institutions, Primary Dealers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Wealth Houses, Pension and Provident Funds. We have 200+ institutional clients empaneled with us.
Sales coverage: With a cumulative experience of 100+ years, our PF sales & corporate relationship teams have pan-India coverage and provides debt services across multiple segments. We cater to 800+ retirement benefit funds across India by assisting in their debt related investments.
Foreign Portfolio Investors: We have a dedicated International Sales desk that caters to 100+ FPIs investing in Indian debt markets.
AIMin: Bond Analytics Platform: AIMin is our in-house proprietary bond analytics platform available on a subscription basis. It is a one stop solution for all kind of analytics and data on Indian bond markets.
Capital Markets: We provide end-to-end solutions to both regular and first-time issuers for raising short-term and long-term funds.
Offshore Debt Structuring and Placement: Nuvama also offers services as an Arranger and Advisor for all Foreign Currency Debt Origination, Structuring and Placement. This service is available to only Indian entities and their subsidiaries globally via Nuvama UK, a FCA regulated entity which has chaperoning and sales arrangements with its dedicated and regulated sales teams in New York, Singapore and Hong kong.
Comprehensive Fixed Income Research product suite: Our research offerings include – Daily, monthly and thematic reports, views on economy and policy actions, special reports on wide ranging relevant themes like Tax-free Bonds, State Development Loans, US Fed Action, AT1 bonds.